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NHS England launches universal personalised care strategy

NHS England launches universal personalised care strategy
By Valeria Fiore Reporter
1 February 2019

A new strategy launched yesterday will help people have greater choice and control over their care, NHS England has said.

The Universal Personalised Care: Implementing the Comprehensive Model explains how the commitments to personalised care laid out in the long term plan will be delivered.

NHS England defines personalised care as the possibility for people to ‘have choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered’, based on ‘what matters’ to them and their individual strengths, needs and preferences’.

Comprehensive model for personalised care

The universal personalised care strategy will adopt the NHS comprehensive model of personalised care.

The model will be now rolled out across the country, with the ambition to cover 2.5 million people by 2023/24 and the aim ‘to double that again within a decade’, as stated in the long term plan.

The model is based on six key components:

  • Shared decision making
  • Personalised care and support planning
  • Enabling choice, including legal rights to choice
  • Social prescribing and community-based support
  • Supported self-management
  • Personal health budgets and integrated personal budgets

How will it be delivered?

The NHS set out a series of actions and commitments it will follow to deliver the strategy.

By 2023/24, the NHS will:

  • Train over 1,000 social prescribing link workers to allow over 900,000 people to be referred to social prescribing schemes
  • Ensure 200,000 patients have access to a personal health budget
  • Ensure 750,000 people will have a personalised care and support plan to look after their long term health conditions
  • Train 75,000 clinicians and professionals through practical support to embed personalised care in their day-to-day practice

Extend personalisation across social care

Responding to the launch of the NHS universal personalised care strategy, Glen Garrod, President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services said:

‘I am delighted that our NHS colleagues have adopted personalisation. This is both a philosophy and a way of working that adult social care has been progressing and advocating for some time.

‘Directors of adult social care and their staff are ready to wholeheartedly embrace this new model of working in the NHS.

Indeed, given the prominence personalisation has within the NHS plan it would be inexcusable for the Government not to consider how to use the green paper to ensure it continues to thrive across social care and potentially housing services.’

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