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Webster to leave NHS Confederation for frontline job

Webster to leave NHS Confederation for frontline job
17 February 2016

Rob Webster, the chief executive of NHS Confederation, will be leaving the organisation in order to return to frontline care.

He will be taking up the role of chief executive of the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

Rob Webster, the chief executive of NHS Confederation, will be leaving the organisation in order to return to frontline care.

He will be taking up the role of chief executive of the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

Webster said in a statement: “The time is now right for me to return to frontline care. I have said often that being a chief executive in the NHS is one of the best jobs in the world. I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to lead the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and to be much closer to my home in Leeds.”

The chief has worked in healthcare since 1990, and joined the NHS Confederation just over two years ago, in February 2014.

He was previously a director at the Department of Health for 15 years, a director of The Prime Ministers Delivery Unit, and chief executive of Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, amongst other roles.

Stephen Dorrell, chair of the NHS Confederation, said: “Rob is both well liked and well respected throughout the NHS, and has made an important contribution to building the Confederation as the authentic voice of the NHS and we are grateful for the support he has given to strengthening the organisation.”

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