Three CCGs taking control of the NHS budget need “intensive support” the NHS Commissioning Board has said.
Three CCGs taking control of the NHS budget need “intensive support” the NHS Commissioning Board has said.
Sixty-seven clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) have been authorised in the NHS Commissioning Board’s (NHS CB) second wave, it was announced today (23 January 2013).
Dame Barbara Hakin, NHS CB’s national director for commissioning development said: “It has always been clear that some of the new organisations would be at different stages to others, often dependent on their previous commissioning activities.
“Even those CCGs authorised with no conditions at all will be working to make further improvements in the future.”
Nineteen of the 67 CCGs in the second wave have been authorised with no conditions, meaning they met all criteria.
A further 45 have been authorised with conditions, meaning they will receive some support but the Nene, Herts Valleys and Medway CCGs will be given intensive support by the NHS CB and neighbouring CCGs.
Over the next two months, the remaining 110 CCGs will be assessed by the NHS CB through site visits, interviews and policy reviews.
Charles Alessi, interim chair of NHS Clinical Commissioners said: “CCGs are being established to a very tight timescale and it is to their credit that so many of them are judged ready to take on these responsibilities.
“While CCGs will be at different places on their journey and will have different development needs it is for the CCG identify the support they need to rectify any concerns identified.”
The newly authorised CCGs will plan and commission community health, hospital and mental health services for 10 million people.
A total of 101 CCGs have given the green light to take control of £65 billion of the NHS budget so far.
Dame Barbara Hakin said: “These newly authorised organisations have demonstrated excellence and a very high level of achievement and are clearly ready for the challenge of leading their local health communities.
“Authorisation is just the beginning: these new organisations will continue to develop, and I am confident patients will start to see real benefits in their local areas as CCGs begin to realise their potential.”
CCGs set up by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 will replace primary care trusts from April 2013.