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Quality commissioning resource revealed

Quality commissioning resource revealed
28 July 2014

An interactive web resource to improve the commissioning of services that deliver improved outcomes has been released by NHS England. 
The tool, Commissioning for Quality: Views from Commissioners sets out five key messages from analysing a number of clinical commissioning group (CCG) quality frameworks and strategies. 
NHS England believes these five key messages should make a significant impact on the quality of services: 
 1. Listen to the voices of patients and the public.

An interactive web resource to improve the commissioning of services that deliver improved outcomes has been released by NHS England. 
The tool, Commissioning for Quality: Views from Commissioners sets out five key messages from analysing a number of clinical commissioning group (CCG) quality frameworks and strategies. 
NHS England believes these five key messages should make a significant impact on the quality of services: 
 1. Listen to the voices of patients and the public.
 2. Triangulate data and intelligence.
 3. Make use of the levers available.
 4. Walk the service – look and see.
 5. Share concerns and take action.
Dr Paul Husselbee, chief clinical officer of Southend CCG and co-chair of the NHS Commissioning Assembly Quality Working Group said: “These messages are not standalone actions, but are interconnected. In the past, perhaps too much emphasis was placed upon hard, statistical data without going to see the service in action. 
“CCGs should be identifying the quality improvements they wish to secure and use the commissioning process to drive it through. At the same time CCGs must also assure themselves of the quality of services that they commission.” 
The web resource is available to view on the NHS Commissioning Assembly website. 

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