The first set of Commissioning Outcomes Framework (COF) indicators have been published by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
The set of 44 indicators, which include care for those recovering from stroke, tackling diabetes and improving maternal health, have been recommended by the COF Advisory Committee today (Wednesday 1 August).
Final indicators will be considered by the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) in Autumn 2012 for the inclusion in the 2013/14 COF.
The first set of Commissioning Outcomes Framework (COF) indicators have been published by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
The set of 44 indicators, which include care for those recovering from stroke, tackling diabetes and improving maternal health, have been recommended by the COF Advisory Committee today (Wednesday 1 August).
Final indicators will be considered by the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) in Autumn 2012 for the inclusion in the 2013/14 COF.
Professor Gillian Leng, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Health and Social Care at NICE, said the COF will allow the quality of care commissioned for local populations by CCGs to be measured.
"This will enable the groups responsible for commissioning NHS care to be held to account, and will ultimately drive up the standards of health care delivered,” she said.
Professor Danny Keenan, COF Advisory Committee Chair, said the range of clinical expertise within the committee means the COF indicators are “robust” and “workable”.
A spokesperson from the NHS Employers has welcomed NICE’s proposed COF indicators.
“The menu will be used to inform negotiations on the Quality and Outcomes Framework between NHS Employers and the General Practitioners Committee of the BMA,” said the spokesperson.
“Following negotiations, full details of any changes will be published on the NHS Employers and BMA websites and the QOF guidance will be updated and published early in 2013.”
The proposed new indicators have been identified from NICE quality standards, the NHS Outcomes Framework and other existing indicator collections such as national audits.
View a list of the 44 COF indicators here