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NHS England report urges AHPs to get involved in regional health plans

NHS England report urges AHPs to get involved in regional health plans
19 January 2017

NHS England is rallying the country’s 145,000 Allied Health Professionals to take a greater involvement in implementing regional plans designed to overhaul health services.

In a new report, NHS England sets out how the 12 AHP groups across England can influence changes. It sets out how the 12 Allied Health Professional groups across England can shape future health policy by getting involved in sustainability and transformation plans.

NHS England is rallying the country’s 145,000 Allied Health Professionals to take a greater involvement in implementing regional plans designed to overhaul health services.

In a new report, NHS England sets out how the 12 AHP groups across England can influence changes. It sets out how the 12 Allied Health Professional groups across England can shape future health policy by getting involved in sustainability and transformation plans.

The guidance provides a blueprint for CCGs, provider organisations, health leaders and local authorities to use AHPs, offering 53 examples of how they have driven and supported change.

‘Allied Health Professions into Action’ also commits to establish a national programme board to oversee and support delivery.

This group will establish monitoring systems and measure success in partnership with a range of agencies including the AHP professional bodies, NHS Improvement, NHS Digital, Health Education England, and Public Health England.

Samantha Jones, director of the New Care Models Programme said: “Allied Health Professionals have always provided a range of vital roles in our health service and in our communities, but as the NHS continues to transform they become even more important than ever.

“Their increasing clinical expertise, long experience in multidisciplinary working and flexible approach are exactly what our community’s need as they work towards services that focus on helping people to stay well.

“The vanguards leading the way with the development of new care models have demonstrated just how central this workforce is, and local leaders should be using the great tools and information in ‘Allied Health Professions into Action‘ to make sure they are using their allied health professional workforce to the best possible effect, now and in the future.”

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