Commissioners 2012/13 programme budgeting data has been released by NHS England as an interactive tool.
NHS England hopes that the information will allow NHS organisation to compare their spending on different services and settings with other commissioners.
The data could be used to make "evidence based investment and prioritisation decisions", according to NHS England.
Commissioners 2012/13 programme budgeting data has been released by NHS England as an interactive tool.
NHS England hopes that the information will allow NHS organisation to compare their spending on different services and settings with other commissioners.
The data could be used to make "evidence based investment and prioritisation decisions", according to NHS England.
NHS England has suggested that clinical commissioning groups and commissioning support units could include the information into their strategic planning work.
An NHS England statement reads: "NHS England is committed to giving commissioners practical support in gathering data, evidence and tools to help them transform the way care is delivered for their patients and populations.
The principles of programme budgeting directly support this commitment, promoting clinically led commissioning and patient involvement by providing financial information across disease areas, also known as ‘programme categories’. The programme budgeting collection provides a framework for estimating NHS expenditure across these programmes categories covering the whole care pathway."
The tool is available to download from the NHS England website.