Additional mental health indicators are open for discussion for the quality premium.
The quality premium rewards clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) for improving the quality of the services they commission, as well as for reducing inequalities.
NHS England believes it is important that mental health is “well represented” in the measures that are set every year and that the measures “promote parity of esteem between physical and mental health”.
Additional mental health indicators are open for discussion for the quality premium.
The quality premium rewards clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) for improving the quality of the services they commission, as well as for reducing inequalities.
NHS England believes it is important that mental health is “well represented” in the measures that are set every year and that the measures “promote parity of esteem between physical and mental health”.
Suggestions are being sought for possible future mental health measures.
An NHS England statement read: “These could be directly about mental health outcomes or could cover wider issues where it is known that people with mental health needs have poorer outcomes, such as physical health needs or employment.”.
According to NHS England, quality premium measures should:
– Relate to the quality or outcomes from services commissioned by CCGs or to processes which have an evidenced link to improved quality or outcomes.
– Address issues for which improvement can be measurably made within a single year.
– Have a relevant data source in order to measure the improvement. Details of available data can be found on the Health and Social Care Information Centre’s website
NHS England has asked for suggestions to be sent to Jeff Featherstone ([email protected]) by 2 May 2014.