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NHS Confederation response to NHS England’s plans for redesigning care

NHS Confederation response to NHS England’s plans for redesigning care
12 March 2015

Rob Webster, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, has responded to NHS England’s announcement on transforming patient care. He said: “Improving services by helping different parts of health and social care work better together is essential for the future of the NHS. If redesigned services in these sites results in, for example, fewer unplanned hospital admissions, fewer hospital trips and more treatment in people’s homes, then that is good news for patients.

Rob Webster, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, has responded to NHS England’s announcement on transforming patient care. He said: “Improving services by helping different parts of health and social care work better together is essential for the future of the NHS. If redesigned services in these sites results in, for example, fewer unplanned hospital admissions, fewer hospital trips and more treatment in people’s homes, then that is good news for patients.

“It is vital that the new models of care being supported here are properly assessed and evaluated, to test their effectiveness. Lessons from these 29 vanguard sites must be shared across health and social care. The fact that more than 260 groups put forward proposals shows the enthusiasm among clinicians to improve services, and we must not lose this momentum.”

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