All 212 emerging CCGs have announced their intention to be authorised by May 2013.
The NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) has published the configuration details of all emerging CCGs (item 5, attached), with indicative running cost allowances ranging from £1.6m to £21.68.
All 212 emerging CCGs have announced their intention to be authorised by May 2013.
The NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) has published the configuration details of all emerging CCGs (item 5, attached), with indicative running cost allowances ranging from £1.6m to £21.68.
Ahead of the NHS CB’s meeting on 31 May, SHA clusters have now confirmed there are emerging CCGs covering the whole of England.
In what Dame Barbara Hakin,National Director of Commissioning Development at the NHS CB, has hailed a “fantastic achievement”, all 212 emerging CCGs have come forward for authorisation and chosen which of the four waves to participate in.
Hakin said it is inevitable there will be “teething problems” in the first round of authorisation, but claimed the NHS CB will “learn from its mistakes”.
Figures show CCG size ranges from 68,000 to 901,000 with the most common patient population size being between 150,000 and 300,000.
However, 33 CCGs are still falling below the population size average, indicating more mergers may be on the cards.
Hakin told GP Business many CCGs have taken the decision to merge to strengthen their organisation and her final anlaysis showed a CCG federated model and large CCGs could end up feeling “very similar in practical terms” in the future.
The published indicative running cost allowances range from £1.6m in NHS Corby CCG (covering 67,000 patients) and £21.68m in NHS North, East, West Devon (covering 901,000 patients).
The indicative running cost allowances for CCGs of average size varies from £3.77m to £7.53m.
“We should not underestimate the hard work that has taken place to get us where we are and the huge progress that has been made across the country,” said Hakin.
We have 212 groups of practices who have chosen to come together to shape and commission services to deliver better care, better experience, better outcomes and improved safety for their local populations.
“There is still a great deal of work to do as the proposed CCGs move closer to authorisation, but we should take a moment to celebrate this fantastic achievement.”
Find out what your indicative running cost allowance (item 5a, attached).
What wave of authorisation applications has your CCG chosen (item 5c, attached)?