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Local Health tool revamped

Local Health tool revamped
4 July 2013

An online tool that presents health data on populations in England has been updated with new indicators and an improved interface.
The tool, which includes indictors on both health outcomes and factors affecting health, has been demonstrated by Public Health England.
It allows users to see how the indicators vary across England by using maps at a local authority or level wards, including summary charts and more detailed reports to show how local results compare with the national average for each indicator.

An online tool that presents health data on populations in England has been updated with new indicators and an improved interface.
The tool, which includes indictors on both health outcomes and factors affecting health, has been demonstrated by Public Health England.
It allows users to see how the indicators vary across England by using maps at a local authority or level wards, including summary charts and more detailed reports to show how local results compare with the national average for each indicator.
Local Health is freely available for anyone to use.
It was specifically developed to help councillors, local authority officers and partners in the health and wellbeing process to use the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment dataset to help choose local priorities for health improvement.
For more information about Local Health and how to use the tool, including explanatory videos, please visit the Local Health website

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