Local Area Coordination (LAC) in Derby has meant that £4 of social value is created for every £1 that is invested, creating 400% savings.
Local Area Coordination (LAC) in Derby has meant that £4 of social value is created for every £1 that is invested, creating 400% savings.
The coordinators support people with disabilities, mental health needs, older people and their families/carers. They work alongside people to help them: build and pursue their personal vision for a good life; stay strong, safe and connected as contributing citizens; find practical, non-service solutions to problems wherever possible; and build more welcoming, inclusive and supportive communities.
Derby City Council is supporting residents to be less reliant on traditional services and looking at providing community-based solutions to their problems, and the analysis, commissioned by Think Local Act Personal, was undertaken to measure the impact of LAC across Derby City Council and show the cost benefits for further expansion to 17 council wards.
Lynda Tarpey, director of Think Local Act Personal, said: "This evaluation supports a growing evidence base and compelling narrative that urges the mainstreaming of a community and person centred approach to health and wellbeing. Taking the time to develop relationships, paying attention to the skills, talents and knowledge that we all have and connecting people with their communities is what enables people to live with meaning and purpose.
“This report demonstrates that not only is such an approach essential for improving outcomes but will also increase the financial capacity of a system under unprecedented pressure," she added.
An earlier report commissioned by Thurrock Council, using the same analysts produced the same outcome, £4 Social Return on Investment for every £1 invested, with a clear message that this figure could be increased significantly as the LAC service grows and develops.