A collaborative approach towards foundation trust annual 2015/2016 planning has been taken forward by NHS England (NHSE), Monitor and the Trust Development Authority (TDA).
This is the first time that the three organisations will have worked together to produce one set of guidelines for commissioners, trusts and foundation trusts.
The guidelines will build on the aims and objectives of the Five Year Forward View and places emphasis upon the need to for a joint approach towards healthcare across the NHS.
A collaborative approach towards foundation trust annual 2015/2016 planning has been taken forward by NHS England (NHSE), Monitor and the Trust Development Authority (TDA).
This is the first time that the three organisations will have worked together to produce one set of guidelines for commissioners, trusts and foundation trusts.
The guidelines will build on the aims and objectives of the Five Year Forward View and places emphasis upon the need to for a joint approach towards healthcare across the NHS.
According to the NHS England website: “The 2015/16 planning round provides an important opportunity to establish a foundation for longer term transformation based on the Five Year Forward View and to refresh, and to ensure sustained progress on, the two-year operational plans developed last year.”
The co-ordinated guidance is scheduled to be published on 23 December 2014 and will set out further details of the planning process for 2015/2016.
The 2015/2016 report is ‘an opportunity to revisit and ensure sustained progress’ following the five year strategies that were required by commissioners and providers in last year’s annual planning.
This round of planning will allow providers to update their plans in relation to the Five Year Forward View as well as balancing short-tem clinical and financial resilience while the strategy comes into effect.