Healthcare Leader is now available as an app on iOS and Android, offering you the latest articles to your mobile or tablet.
Healthcare Leader is an online media platform dedicated to informing, engaging and supporting decision-makers in NHS primary care services. Our informative news, views, comment and insight is now available directly from our app – available on app on iOS or Android.
As the architecture of the NHS shifts from clinical commissioning groups to integrated care boards and integrated care partnerships, Healthcare Leader gives primary care leaders in the three emerging tiers of the NHS – system, place and neighbourhoods – the opportunity to share innovative ideas on how to address the challenges they face politically, structurally and financially.
Our team produces daily news, thought leadership, roundtables, insight and reports to champion primary care services. We work to seek out case studies, profiles and interviews covering innovative projects and pilots to help spread best practice and support the ICBs’ triple aim – a duty of better health for everyone, better care for all patients and sustainable NHS services.
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