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Doctor experience abroad could ‘better the NHS’

Doctor experience abroad could ‘better the NHS’
16 September 2013

International experience is more important that ever for doctors and trainees, a report released by the British Medical Association (BMA) claims. 
Real benefits could be delivered to the NHS, clinicians and developing countries, according to Broadening your Horizons, the latest guidance from the BMA. 
Employers and medical educators in the NHS should know how best to help those who decide to work abroad, the report states. 

International experience is more important that ever for doctors and trainees, a report released by the British Medical Association (BMA) claims. 
Real benefits could be delivered to the NHS, clinicians and developing countries, according to Broadening your Horizons, the latest guidance from the BMA. 
Employers and medical educators in the NHS should know how best to help those who decide to work abroad, the report states. 
Working abroad could equip doctors to adapt to the ‘changing face of the NHS’ the BMA believe. 
It could also help trainees to identify career paths for their professional lives. 
Dr Mark Porter, BMA council chair, said experience abroad is “more important than ever”. 
He said: “We know that working in developing countries can benefit a doctor’s career as well as the NHS, but many doctors believe time out will have a negative impact on their professional development, and often trainees think overseas working isn’t an option for them.
“Working in a developing country should be seen as positive career move, not a negative one and we hope that our guidance will help doctors, trainers and employers to facilitate opportunities for UK doctors to work or volunteer in developing countries.”
The guidance is available to view on the BMA website

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