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Diabetes ‘passports’ launched by CCG

Diabetes ‘passports’ launched by CCG
5 August 2014

Bradford City clinical commissioning group (CCG) has given more than 8,000 diabetes patients "passports" to track management of their condition. 
The passports will give each patient a record of when key annual health checks are carried out by their GP. 

Bradford City clinical commissioning group (CCG) has given more than 8,000 diabetes patients "passports" to track management of their condition. 
The passports will give each patient a record of when key annual health checks are carried out by their GP. 
The tests – which the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has recently suggested should join the quality and outcomes framework – are markers which help to assess whether diabetes is well controlled, and are designed to prevent long-term complications such as amputation, blindness and kidney failure.
Last May only 40% of patients with diabetes in Bradford City were receiving the tests but now almost 65% of patients are having a full annual review. 
The number of patients has also risen this year as the Bradford Beating Diabetes (BBD) campaign has led to almost 600 new people being diagnosed and getting the care they need.
Dr Adeel Iqbal, GP lead for long-term conditions at Bradford City CCG, said: “It’s so important for patients with diabetes to keep up-to-date with these health checks as they can help them to manage their diabetes, stay well and prevent serious complications developing.
“People with diabetes in Bradford city can be confident they are getting good quality care and the passports will help us encourage even more patients to be aware of the checks and make sure they are receiving all of them each year.”
The nine key tests include: 
 – Weight.
 – Blood pressure. 
 – Smoking status.
 – Blood glucose levels.
 – Kidney function. 
 – Cholesterol. 
 – Eye examinations and foot examinations. 
The Bradford Beating Diabetes campaign was launched by Bradford City CCG in 2013 and aims to raise awareness of the disease and prevent people from developing it.
As a result, more people with diabetes have been identified, and other people who are known to be at high risk of developing diabetes have received letters from their GPs inviting them to attend an appointment for a blood test to better understand their risk and to find out what support can be offered to help prevent it.

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