NHS leaders are facing ‘impossible conditions’ due to cuts which saw at least 70 frontline services facing closure over the last four months, according to a campaigning organisation.
The political activist group 38 Degrees looked at local and national media reports of coverage of NHS cuts between June and October this year.
Their analysis found that cuts were made or threatened to at least 70 frontline services in England.
NHS leaders are facing ‘impossible conditions’ due to cuts which saw at least 70 frontline services facing closure over the last four months, according to a campaigning organisation.
The political activist group 38 Degrees looked at local and national media reports of coverage of NHS cuts between June and October this year.
Their analysis found that cuts were made or threatened to at least 70 frontline services in England.
These included at least nine GP practices, seven mental health units, six A&Es and four maternity wards.
They estimated that 45,000 patients could be affected by closures at GP surgeries.
Underestimating scale of problem
38 Degrees said more than two thirds of STP areas that services that are under threat of closure, downgraded or have already shut.
These include maternity services and community hospital beds, despite the importance of community care to the STP programme.
Researchers said some of the plans could be abandoned but suggested their analysis could underestimate the scale of the problem.
38 Degrees said its members ‘are concerned that the real term cuts to the NHS budget are beginning to bite, as the NHS is being forced to ration or even close services in order to meet ever more stretched budgets.’
It argues that the NHS was a victim of ‘ years of sustained underfunding’.
Researchers also pointed to rationing, including IVF, where just 10% of CCGs now offer the recommended three cycles.
They said rationing to deal with financial challenges ‘violates’ the founding principle of the NHS to offer universally accessible healthcare.
It is the latest group to call for Chancellor Philip Hammond to dig deep and announce extra cash for the NHS in next Wednesday’s (November 22) autumn budget.
38 Degrees commented: ‘As the NHS prepares for winter, it is vital that local NHS organisations have sufficient resources to support services that meet the needs of patients across England.
‘National funding decisions are creating impossible conditions for local NHS leaders who are being required to consider and make cuts to services due to the scarcity of resources.’
Last week, Simon Stevens, the head of NHS England, used an appearance at the NHS Providers conference to describe the urgent need for cash.