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CQC delays rollout of ICS assessments

CQC delays rollout of ICS assessments
By Beth Gault
4 April 2024

The new ICS assessments will be delayed until further notice, according to CQC.

Assessments of ICSs had been due to start in the first week of April, however CQC said this would be delayed after discussions with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

In a statement on its website, CQC said: ‘Following discussions with the DHSC we have agreed to a short delay to starting ICS assessments to allow for further refinements to our approach. We have written to ICS leaders to update them.’

Healthcare Leader understands there is no timeframe on the delay.  

A CQC spokesperson said: ‘Under the Health and Care Act 2022 our ICS assessment methodology is subject to government approval.

‘We are currently discussing our methodology with government and will publish further updates following government approval of our methodology and in advance of starting ICS assessments.’

CQC had been piloting its new ICS assessments in Birmingham and Solihull ICS and Dorset ICS, which were intended to help ‘inform our assessment approach’.

These looked at how leadership worked within the ICS, whether systems were integrated, progress on reducing inequalities and how safety was managed across local services.

CQC said it would publish the pilot reports, evaluations and updated guidance after it receives government approval of its ICS methodology. It added that it would also publish the outcome of a consultation into covering regulatory costs of the new assessments and its updated fee scheme at this time.

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