With 1 in 14 people in England with asthma Public Health England (PHE) have said commissioning for the condition should focus on the basis of need.
With 1 in 14 people in England with asthma Public Health England (PHE) have said commissioning for the condition should focus on the basis of need.
With this in mind PHE set up INHALE, a website set up to provide data on lung conditions in England.
Official figures show “considerable variation in care quality” in England, creating major differences in the way patients are diagnosed and treated.
Public Health England (PHE) said it is “crucial” that respiratory services are commissioned on the basis of need and that commissioning decisions are based on robust, reliable information.
This new tool pulls together national asthma data into a single source for the first time.
Pesh Doubleday, PHE programme manager said: “INHALE has for the first time drawn together national data on asthma outcomes into one place to provide clinicians and commissioners a one-stop portal for accessing actionable reliable data on asthma outcomes in England.”
Emily Humphreys, head of policy at Asthma UK said: “It’s great to see the publication of more information about asthma care and outcomes around the country.
“As well as giving us a fascinating insight, we’re hoping this will really help clinical commissioning groups to understand the outcomes of asthma care in their area and make sure everyone with asthma is getting support they need to prevent asthma attacks."
This new asthma data tool complements the respiratory data tool which was released in February 2013.
Also available is a dedicated map of people with asthma according to CCG.