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Commissioners vote for monthly mental health data

Commissioners vote for monthly mental health data
28 January 2013

England’s largest mental health dataset is due to be released monthly, amid claims it will “support effective commissioning”. 

England’s largest mental health dataset is due to be released monthly, amid claims it will “support effective commissioning”. 

Launched in a Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) consultation report late last week, the changes are based on feedback from more than 160 commissioners. 
HSCIC chief executive Tim Straughan said: “It is essential that commissioners, along with other interested parties, have their say on what information can best support them in their role. 
“The development of data should always endeavour to be based on a two-way conversation between those who produce information and those who need to use it.”
The report’s recommendations will “support payment by results (PbR)and bring further parity between timely mental health and acute care information”, it has been claimed. 
The previously annual Mental Health Minimum Dataset (MHMDS) has the records for 1.25 million patients in England. 
The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) are responsible for analysing the data. 
Activity in April 2013 will be the first month collected for the new cycle, with the first monthly report due to be released in the summer.  
The report is also expected to include data at clinical commissioning group (CCG) level, with more population-based analysis. 
More sophisticated and “clinically-meaningful” analysis was called for around PbR and clusters. 
The HSCIC is working with the Department of Health on PbR outcome measures, including analysis by diagnosis and cluster. 

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