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Provide evidence of shared outcomes by March 2024, ICSs told

Provide evidence of shared outcomes by March 2024, ICSs told
By Jess Hacker
20 October 2023

Places will be expected to provide evidence of the work they are doing to develop shared outcomes by March 2024, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has said.

In new guidance on how best to implement a shared outcomes framework, the DHSC acknowledged that places will be at ‘varying stages’ in building their partnerships and developing shared outcomes, with places expected to begin implementing them in April 2023.

Given the variation in progress, the DHSC advised that the Government ‘expects that from March 2024 all places are able to evidence the work they are undertaking to develop shared outcomes’.

It clarified that evidence may include place board minutes, partnership agreements, or the set of overarching aims or commitments.

The DHSC said: ‘The experience of those who are further ahead suggests it is important that places invest in the process of developing their shared outcomes, approaching engagement in this as a meaningful way of furthering integrated working arrangements, and recognising that there is the likelihood of further iteration and evolution of the framework over time.’

In its guidance, the DHSC advised ICSs and place-based partnerships approach implementing their framework via a two-phase, five-step plan.

Under this approach, phase one would see ICSs build their partnerships and determine a mission with a set of commitments.

Phase two would then focus on agreeing priorities, identifying routes to their implementation and, ultimately, developing the framework in full.

It advised that organisations should consider ‘the different statutory obligations, working environments, operational priorities and cultures’ of their partners, and should reflect this in their delivery plan.

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