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Third of employers offer stress help

Third of employers offer stress help
11 August 2011

Stress management services are being offered by nearly one third of the country’s employers to their workforces, new research suggests.

According to the Health and Wellbeing at Work: A Survey of Employees study published by the UK government’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), stress management and support are being made available by 32% of companies and organisations.

Bigger organisations and public sector bodies are more likely to offer these kinds of employee services, the figures showed.

Occupation health services are also accessible to 38% of the survey’s respondents at present.

These services were again more likely to be offered by employers in the public sector and by bigger firms.

Of those workers queried as part of the DWP study, 48% revealed that some sick leave had been taken by them over the past year.

On average, 4.5 days off were taken because of sickness by these respondents.

Copyright © Press Association 2011

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