Organisations have been invited to bid for a spot on NHS England's lead provider framework (LPF) from today.
The LPF aims to make it easier clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), NHS England and other commissioners to buy commissioning support.
Commissioners had asked for a "simpler and less costly" process for buying commissioning support services.
Organisations have been invited to bid for a spot on NHS England's lead provider framework (LPF) from today.
The LPF aims to make it easier clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), NHS England and other commissioners to buy commissioning support.
Commissioners had asked for a "simpler and less costly" process for buying commissioning support services.
The LPF will be the only framework that provides the full range of health and social care support services in what NHS England hopes will be a "fast, simple and cost effective manner".
Over the next four years, it is anticipated that between £3-5 billion of services will be procured through it.
In March, NHS England will also be launching a separate niche and specialist supplier list for commissioners to find out more about the services that small to medium enterprises and voluntary sector organisations provide.
These organisations offer deep subject matter expertise which will support commissioners to secure the very best outcomes for specific patient conditions.
Bob Ricketts director of commissioning support services strategy and market development for NHS England said: “By creating this framework we can ensure that local health service commissioners have access to suppliers who have a solid track record and are able meet high quality criteria and specified minimum standards.
“The framework will also cut a typical procurement process from nine months to three months and reduce costs by more than half. Local commissioners have been asking for a faster, simplified approach to choosing and changing their commissioning support provider and I’m pleased that today we are launching the first steps of the process to accredit the best providers in the market.”