A consultation into potential indicators for the 2015/16 clinical commissioning group outcomes indicator set (CCG OIS) has been launched by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
The CCG OIS aims to support CCGs and health and wellbeing boards by providing comparative information on the quality of health services commissioned, while encouraging transparency by making the information available to the public.
A consultation into potential indicators for the 2015/16 clinical commissioning group outcomes indicator set (CCG OIS) has been launched by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
The CCG OIS aims to support CCGs and health and wellbeing boards by providing comparative information on the quality of health services commissioned, while encouraging transparency by making the information available to the public.
NICE is supporting NHS England in developing the CCG OIS using NICE quality standards and guidance. The indicators will also be tested by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC).
Professor Gillian Leng, NICE health and social care director, said: “Our experience and expertise in developing indicators will ensure that we provide NHS England with a suite of indicators based on the best available evidence.
“The consultation is an integral part of NICE’s process for the CCG OIS and demonstrates our commitment to being open and transparent in all areas of the work we do. It provides the opportunity for anyone with an interest to contribute to the development of indicators for the 2015/16 CCG OIS. We invite individuals and stakeholders to take part and help shape the future of this important work.”
NHS England will decide on the final indicators in autumn 2014.